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Home What’s Required on Food Packaging?
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February 23, 2022

What’s Required on Food Packaging?

By: admin/Food Packaging

Canada has many regulations in place regarding labels on food packaging supplies. The regulations include nutritional facts, life dates, and bilingual packaging. It is recommended that companies seek out an agency specializing in food packaging. Or a food technology center that can provide useful information on the specific regulations. They can review food labels to ensure everything is filled out correctly. This is a crucial step to save time and money in the chance that the labels need to be corrected. Seeking professional help will prevent these complications from arising.


Suppose a product has descriptive words of food items on the label, then an appropriate image should be included. This is necessary to avoid any customer’s deceptions if images and descriptions don’t match.

Nutritional Label

A nutritional label is required to be included on food packaging supplies in Toronto. If a food product has a high fiber count, then it can be provided on the label. However, Canada requires that there is at least 4g of fiber per 30g serving. If there is less than this amount, it is not allowed to be shown on the nutrition label.

Bilingual Packaging

In Canada, it is required for all mandatory information to be in both English and French. The only information that does not need to be in both languages is the name of the company and the address of the location. Since Canada is a French and English-speaking country, the required information must be in the two national languages. This accommodates both parties and makes it easier for food products to be distributed in both English and French dominant provinces. If there were no rules for bilingual packaging, it would neglect a part of the population.

Life Date

The life date of the food product, also known as the expiry date, must be included somewhere on the label by Canadian food packaging suppliers. The date has to be in bilingual symbols. Both English and French native speakers can understand these symbols. The two letters in each month are used as abbreviations for the date. The year and the month are always required.

The process can seem daunting and specific. If you understand what information is required, it becomes a lot easier. A company specializing in food packaging regulations should be hired for the process. This will save a company from any mishaps and ensure all regulations are followed correctly. Food packaging can be a long and expensive process. It makes it that much more important to fill out labels and include appropriate imagery properly.

At Coleman Containers, we provide food packaging supplies that will meet Canada’s food label requirements. To learn more, visit our website.

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